Are you facing the challenge of your beloved dog chewing on furniture and other household items, despite your best efforts to stop them? You’re certainly not alone in this struggle. Chewing is a natural behavior in dogs, but it becomes a significant concern when it turns destructive. 

In this article, we delve into the reasons behind destructive chewing in dogs and offer practical solutions. From distraction techniques and improving their diet to ensuring regular exercise, you’ll discover effective strategies to redirect your dog’s chewing habits and protect your valuable furniture and items. 

Join us as we explore how to curb inappropriate chewing and foster healthier behaviors in your canine companion.

Reasons behind chewing furniture

Dogs, especially puppies, chew furniture as a way to explore their world and alleviate teething discomfort. For adult dogs, chewing can stem from various causes like boredom, stress, lack of proper chew toys, or even separation anxiety. 

Possible reasons include:

  • Relief from teething discomfort in young dogs.
  • Absence of training on acceptable chewing objects.
  • Lack of access to suitable chew toys.
  • Boredom and lack of stimulation.
  • Coping mechanism for stress or separation anxiety.
  • Fear-related behavior, where chewing acts as a comfort.
  • The innate pleasure derived from the act of chewing.

It’s important to understand that dogs don’t chew out of spite; rather, it’s often a sign of unmet needs or emotional distress. Identifying the root cause is crucial in addressing and stopping this behavior.

What breeds are more likely to chew furniture?

Certain dog breeds are more prone to chewing furniture due to their high energy levels and strong jaws. These include Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Beagles, Boxers, and Pit Bulls. Additionally, breeds like Huskies and Dalmatians, known for their intense curiosity and activity, may also exhibit more frequent chewing behaviors if not provided with adequate mental and physical stimulation.

Do dogs grow out of chewing furniture?

Dogs don’t naturally outgrow the habit of chewing furniture as they mature. While it’s normal for puppies to chew on various items, this behavior requires guidance to change. It’s essential to actively teach your dog what is acceptable to chew and what isn’t, rather than expecting them to stop on their own as they age.

Have realistic expectations

Setting realistic expectations is vital in addressing your dog’s chewing behavior. Understand that change won’t happen overnight; it requires patience and consistent training. Recognize that occasional slip-ups are part of the learning process. By having realistic goals and acknowledging your dog’s progress, you can create a more positive and stress-free environment for both you and your pet during their behavior modification journey.


Revisit basic training

Revisiting basic training is crucial in curbing your dog’s furniture chewing habit. Reinforcing commands like “leave it” or “sit” can effectively redirect their focus away from furniture. Consistent training not only reminds your dog of acceptable behaviors but also strengthens your bond and communication, making it easier to prevent and address unwanted chewing incidents.

Chew toys

Providing appropriate chew toys is an effective solution to prevent dogs from chewing on furniture. Chew toys satisfy their natural chewing instincts, keep them engaged, and redirect their attention away from household items. Choosing durable, safe, and appealing toys can significantly reduce unwanted chewing behaviors, ensuring both your dog’s happiness and the longevity of your furniture.

Supervise your dog

Supervising your dog closely is a key solution to prevent furniture chewing. By keeping them on a leash indoors, you can monitor and immediately correct unwanted behavior. When direct supervision isn’t possible, confining them to a dog-proof area with access to water and safe toys helps reinforce house rules while ensuring their safety and engagement.

Encourage good chewing

Encouraging good chewing habits in dogs is vital. Distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable chewing, and reward them when they chew appropriate items like meat bones or certain foods. Understanding each dog’s unique preferences helps in guiding them towards healthier chewing habits. Positive reinforcement when they chew correctly teaches them the difference and promotes good behavior, aiding in the prevention of destructive chewing on furniture or other inappropriate items.

Home remedies

A simple home remedy to deter chewing involves mixing one part white vinegar with two parts apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle. After shaking the bottle to combine the ingredients, apply the homemade chew deterrent spray on areas where your puppy tends to chew. This non-toxic solution helps prevent unwanted chewing behavior on furniture and other household items.

Daily physical exercise 

Dogs require regular outdoor exercise, including activities in the garden, such as walking and playing. This helps prevent weight gain, laziness, and stress, while averting destructive behaviors like chewing due to boredom. Daily physical activity, especially in outdoor spaces like gardens, is essential for their physical health and mental stimulation, keeping them fit, engaged, and content.

Having a fence in your garden is crucial when you have a dog to provide a safe and secure area for your pet to play and explore without the risk of wandering off. A fence also protects your garden from external threats and gives you peace of mind, knowing your dog can enjoy outdoor time safely within your property’s boundaries.

Dog getting enough exercise

Set up their own space

Create a designated area for your dog to reduce unwanted chewing. Use baby gates to limit access to rooms with fewer tempting items and distractions, redirecting their focus to approved toys or treats. Alternatively, utilize a playpen with a secure door. Fill the space with appropriate chew toys. For dogs prone to chewing on blankets or beds, consider an elevated chew-resistant dog bed as a solution. This helps protect your belongings and keeps your pet engaged.

Mental exercise

Providing mental exercise for your dog is as crucial as physical activity. Engage them with puzzle toys, training sessions, and games like hide-and-seek or fetch. These activities stimulate their brain, alleviate boredom, and can reduce unwanted behaviors like excessive chewing. Mental exercises enhance their problem-solving skills and keep them mentally sharp, contributing to overall well-being and happiness.

Don’t chase your dog

Avoid chasing your dog as a disciplinary method for chewing furniture. Chasing can be perceived as a game, inadvertently reinforcing the unwanted behavior. Instead, focus on calm, consistent correction and redirecting their attention to appropriate activities or toys. This approach promotes understanding of boundaries without encouraging a playful response to discipline.

Dont punish your dog

Using punishment to stop your dog from chewing is ineffective and can harm your relationship. Training them to exchange chewed items for treats is a safer and more effective method, ensuring they willingly give up even the most appealing objects. Scolding or forcibly removing items can lead to behavioral problems and erode trust. Dogs’ “guilty” expressions are actually signs of submission and fear, triggered by your angry reactions. Fostering a positive, trusting bond with your dog is key to a happy, harmonious life together.


Addressing your dog’s penchant for chewing on furniture is a multifaceted process that requires patience, understanding, and proactive measures. Recognizing the root causes, acknowledging breed predispositions, and implementing effective solutions are essential steps. By following these guidelines, you can create a harmonious living environment, protect your furnishings, and enjoy a happier coexistence with your beloved pet.