
A well-maintained invisible dog fence is key to keeping your furry friend safe within your yard. If you’re wondering how to find a break in an invisible dog fence, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

1. Verify the Break: Use a transmitter or ohmmeter to confirm there’s a break in the fence wire.
2. Gather Materials: A handheld AM radio and an RF choke will be needed.
3. Connect the Choke: This enables the transmitter to send signals despite the break.
4. Tune In: Use your AM radio to detect the signal along the fence line.
5. Locate the Break: Walk the perimeter, noting where the signal weakens or disappears.
6. Expose the Wire: Carefully dig to reveal and repair the broken section.

Invisible dog fences are vital in preventing your dog from escaping, reducing risks posed by traffic, and keeping the neighborhood peaceful. Pet Playgrounds is here to ensure you can maintain them effectively and affordably.

Finding a break might seem challenging, but it’s often simpler than expected with the right steps and tools. And the benefits—a safe, happy dog and peace of mind—make it well worth the effort.

How to Find a Break in an Invisible Dog Fence Infographic - how to find a break in an invisible dog fence infographic infographic-line-5-steps

Verify the Break

First things first: is there really a break in your invisible dog fence? Let’s make sure before you start digging up your yard.

Transmitter Beeping

If your invisible dog fence transmitter is beeping, it’s usually a sign that there’s a break in the wire. This alarm is your first clue. Think of it as the transmitter’s way of saying, “Hey, something’s wrong here!”

Using an Ohmmeter

To be more certain, you can use an ohmmeter. This device measures the resistance in the wire. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Disconnect the Wires: Unplug the two wires connected to your transmitter.
  2. Measure the Resistance: Attach the ohmmeter probes to the disconnected wires.
  3. Check the Reading: If the ohmmeter shows no resistance (or infinite resistance), the wires are continuous, and the problem might be with the transmitter itself. But if there’s resistance, you likely have a break in the wire.

Paper Clip Test

Another simple method is the paper clip test:

  1. Disconnect the Wires: Like before, unplug the two wires from the transmitter.
  2. Insert a Paper Clip: Place the ends of a paper clip into the jacks where the wires were connected.
  3. Observe the Beeping: If the beeping stops, it confirms that the transmitter is working fine and there’s a break in the wire.

ohmmeter - how to find a break in an invisible dog fence

These steps will help you verify the break in your invisible dog fence. Once you’re sure it’s a wire issue, you can move on to locating and fixing it.

Materials Needed

Before you start searching for the break in your invisible dog fence, gather the following materials. These items will help you detect the break and save you time and frustration.

Handheld AM Radio

A handheld AM radio is essential for this task. The invisible dog fence emits a radio signal that you can detect using an AM radio.

  • Tune to the Lower AM Range: The signal is usually around 600 kHz. This frequency helps you track the wire buried underground.
  • Adjust Signal Sensitivity: You may need to increase the signal strength at the transmitter for better detection. Just remember to turn it back down afterward to avoid harming your dog.

RF Choke

An RF choke is a small component that you’ll need to connect to the transmitter. You can find this part at electronics stores or online.

  • Radioshack Part Number 273-102: This specific RF choke is recommended. It helps the transmitter continue sending a signal even if the wire is broken.
  • Connection: The RF choke will be inserted into the jacks on the transmitter where the wires were originally connected.

Additional Items

While the handheld AM radio and RF choke are the main tools, you might also need:

  • Small Wire or Paper Clip: To verify the break by connecting it to the transmitter jacks.
  • Ohmmeter: Optional, but useful for checking resistance and confirming the break.

Gather these materials, and you’ll be ready to locate the break in your invisible dog fence. Next, we’ll guide you through connecting the RF choke and tuning in to the signal.

How to Find a Break in an Invisible Dog Fence

Step 1: Connect the Choke

First, disconnect the two wires from the invisible fence transmitter. These wires run from the transmitter to the perimeter of your yard. Next, connect the leads of the RF choke to these wires. Finally, insert the leads of the choke into the jacks where the wires were originally connected. This setup allows the transmitter to continue sending a signal, even though the fence is broken.

Step 2: Tune In

Now, take your handheld AM radio and tune it to the lower AM range. Most invisible dog fences emit a signal around 600 kHz. When you have the right frequency, you should hear the signal as you pass the radio over the ground. The signal might sound like a rapid tapping or beeping. If you don’t hear anything, try adjusting the intensity of the signal on the transmitter.

Step 3: Walk the Perimeter

With the radio tuned in, walk the perimeter of your yard. Hold the radio’s antenna close to the ground where you suspect the wire to be. You should hear a clear, definite signal. When you find an area where the signal drops or becomes weak, this is likely where the break is. Make sure to check the entire perimeter before you start digging.

Step 4: Dig and Expose the Wire

Once you’ve identified a weak area, it’s time to dig. Use a hand tiller or pick axe to carefully expose the wire. Dragging the tool perpendicular to the wire will help you avoid cutting or nicking it. Go slow and be cautious. The goal is to expose the wire without causing further damage.

Step 5: Check and Mend the Break

After exposing the wire, use the radio to check for a strong signal on both sides of the break. If there are multiple breaks, you might need to dig a bit further to find them all. Once you’ve identified the breaks, connect the ends using waterproof connectors. These connectors, often filled with silicone, will ensure that the connection is weatherproof and secure. After mending the break, reconnect the wires to the transmitter and check if the alarm is silenced. If it is, congratulations—you’ve successfully found and fixed the break!

By following these steps, you can save both time and money while ensuring your invisible dog fence is back in working order. Next, we’ll explore alternative methods to locate the break.

Alternative Methods to Locate the Break

If the previous method didn’t work or you want to try something different, here are some alternative methods to locate the break in your invisible dog fence.

Voltage Tester

A voltage tester can be a handy tool for detecting breaks in your fence wire. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Disconnect the Fence: Unplug the transmitter and disconnect the fence wires.
  2. Test the Wires: Connect the voltage tester to the ends of the wire. If the tester shows no voltage, the wire is broken somewhere along the line.
  3. Walk the Perimeter: Move the tester along the wire to find where the voltage drops. This drop indicates the break’s location.

Using a voltage tester is straightforward and doesn’t require any special skills. It’s a quick way to pinpoint the problem without digging up your yard.

Signal Tracer

A signal tracer works by sending a signal through the wire and detecting where it stops. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Connect the Signal Generator: Attach the signal generator to one end of the fence wire.
  2. Trace the Signal: Use the receiver to follow the signal along the fence line. When the signal drops or becomes weak, you’ve found the break.
  3. Mark the Spot: Once you locate the weak signal area, mark it for further inspection.

Signal tracers are effective and can save you a lot of time. They are particularly useful for long fence lines.

Temporary Above-Ground Wire

If you suspect the break is underground and can’t locate it with the above methods, try using a temporary above-ground wire:

  1. Run a New Wire: Lay a new wire above ground, following the same path as your buried wire.
  2. Connect to the Transmitter: Attach the temporary wire to the transmitter.
  3. Test the Fence: Check if the transmitter stops beeping. If it does, the break is likely underground in the original wire.

This method helps you narrow down the break’s location without digging up your yard. Once you confirm the break is underground, you can focus on that specific area for repairs.

By using these alternative methods, you can locate the break in your invisible dog fence more efficiently. Whether you choose a voltage tester, signal tracer, or temporary above-ground wire, each method offers a unique way to solve the problem.

Next, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about finding a break in an invisible dog fence.

Frequently Asked Questions about Finding a Break in an Invisible Dog Fence

How do you find a partial break in an invisible fence?

Finding a partial break in an invisible dog fence can be tricky but manageable with the right steps:

  1. Locate the Break: Start by walking the perimeter with a handheld AM radio tuned to the fence’s signal. Listen for any drop or change in the signal.
  2. Strip Wires: Once you suspect a spot, carefully dig up the wire and strip the insulation.
  3. Test the Wire: Use a voltage tester to check for continuity. If the tester beeps or lights up, the wire is intact; otherwise, you have found the break.
  4. Loop Indicator Light: Some systems have a loop indicator light on the transmitter. If the light is off or blinking, it indicates a break.

How do you find a line break in an underground dog fence?

To find a line break in an underground dog fence, follow these steps:

  1. Signal Drops: Use a handheld AM radio to walk the perimeter of your fence. Tune it to the frequency of your fence system. Listen for places where the signal drops or changes.
  2. Check Perimeter: Pay special attention to high-traffic areas like driveways, pathways, and garden beds. These are common places for breaks.
  3. Obvious Break: Once you identify the weak signal area, dig carefully to expose the wire. Look for obvious damage like cuts or nicks.

Is there a tool that detects broken wire?

Yes, several tools can help you detect a broken wire in your invisible dog fence:

  1. Voltage Tester: A simple voltage tester can help you check if the wire is carrying a current. If the tester doesn’t beep or light up, there is a break.
  2. Non-Contact Voltage Tester: This tool can detect electrical fields without touching the wire directly. It beeps or lights up when it senses a live wire.
  3. Signal Tracer: A signal tracer can help you follow the wire’s path and locate breaks. It consists of a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter sends a signal through the wire, and the receiver helps you detect where the signal stops.

By using these methods and tools, you can effectively locate and repair breaks in your invisible dog fence, ensuring it functions correctly and keeps your dog safe.


Finding a break in your invisible dog fence might seem daunting, but with the right tools and steps, it becomes manageable. By following our guide, you’ll be able to locate and fix breaks efficiently, ensuring your fence functions correctly and keeps your furry friend safe.

To recap:

  1. Verify the Break: Ensure the transmitter is working and confirm there is a break using a paper clip or an ohmmeter.
  2. Gather Materials: You’ll need a handheld AM radio and an RF choke (Radioshack part number 273-102).
  3. Connect the Choke: Disconnect the wires from the transmitter and connect them to the RF choke.
  4. Tune In: Use the AM radio to detect the signal emitted by the fence.
  5. Walk the Perimeter: Move the radio antenna over the ground to find where the signal drops.
  6. Dig and Expose the Wire: Carefully dig to expose the wire without causing further damage.
  7. Check and Mend the Break: Ensure a strong signal on both sides of the break and use waterproof connectors to mend it.

Final Tips:

  • Be Thorough: Walk the entire perimeter to ensure you don’t miss any breaks.
  • Use Waterproof Connectors: This ensures longevity and prevents future issues.
  • Regular Maintenance: Periodically check the fence to catch any potential problems early.

At Pet Playgrounds, we understand the importance of a reliable invisible dog fence in keeping your pet safe. By following these steps, you can avoid costly professional repairs and maintain your fence in top condition.

A well-maintained fence is essential for your dog’s safety and your peace of mind. Happy fencing!