Secure Your Yard: Best Anti-Dig Fences for Dogs

If you’re searching for an anti dig dog fence, you’re likely facing the frustration of your furry friend constantly escaping or destroying your yard. Here’s a quick answer to help you out:

  • Install a non-electric dog fence: Proven to be safe, humane, and highly effective.
  • Create a gravel or stone barrier: Dogs dislike digging through rough textures.
  • Designate a digging area: Redirect your dog’s digging habit to a specified spot.

Dogs love to dig, and it’s a natural behavior that can be hard to manage. From keeping your pet safe to safeguarding your garden, finding the right solution is crucial. We’ll explore the best anti-dig dog fences and provide you with actionable tips to protect your yard.

I’m Jason Levine, NREMT, and I’m here to share my expertise on anti dig dog fences. With over five years of experience developing non-electric dog fence systems, I’ve seen how effective and humane these solutions can be.

Read on to find the best ways to keep your yard protected and your dog safe and happy.

Comparison of anti-dig dog fences, focusing on effectiveness, safety, and affordability. - anti dig dog fence infographic pillar-3-steps

Why Dogs Dig and How to Prevent It

Understanding why dogs dig is the first step in preventing this behavior. Here are the main reasons dogs dig and practical ways to stop them.


Dogs often dig out of sheer boredom. If your dog is left alone for long periods without mental stimulation or physical activity, they might start digging to entertain themselves.

Prevent It:
Exercise: Take your dog for several walks a day.
Play: Use toys like balls or Frisbees to engage them.
Training: Teach them new tricks to keep their minds occupied.

Scent Tracking

Some breeds, like Beagles, have a strong sense of smell and dig to follow scents. This behavior is instinctual and can be challenging to curb.

Prevent It:
Fence Barriers: Use a reliable anti dig dog fence like the ones from Pet Playgrounds. These non-electric fences are safe, humane, and create a barrier that discourages digging.
Supervision: Always supervise your dog when they are outside to redirect their behavior if they start digging.


Dogs might dig to create a cool spot to lie in, especially in hot weather. The ground is cooler below the surface, making it a tempting spot for a hot dog.

Prevent It:
Shade: Provide shaded areas in your yard.
Cooling Mats: Offer cooling mats or a kiddie pool for your dog to cool off in.

Escape Attempts

Some dogs dig to escape from the yard. This could be due to curiosity, anxiety, or a desire to explore.

Prevent It:
Secure Fencing: Install a reliable anti dig dog fence to prevent escapes. Pet Playgrounds offers non-electric dog fences that are proven to be significantly more effective than other alternatives.
Mental Stimulation: Keep your dog engaged with toys, training, and companionship to reduce the urge to escape.

Dogs often dig out of boredom or to cool down. - anti dig dog fence

By addressing the root causes of digging, you can create a safer and more enjoyable environment for your dog. In the next section, we’ll explore the top anti dig dog fences to help you choose the best solution for your yard.

Top 5 Anti-Dig Fences for Dogs

When it comes to stopping your dog from digging under the fence, choosing the right anti dig dog fence is crucial. Here are the top solutions provided by Pet Playgrounds, which are superior to other alternatives on the market:

Pet Playgrounds Non-Electric Dog Fence

Pet Playgrounds Non-Electric Dog Fence is a comprehensive system designed to prevent dogs from digging under or climbing over the fence. This solution is made from durable, vinyl-coated welded wire mesh and is equipped with a unique ground system.

  • Safe and Humane: No electric shocks are involved, making it a humane option for your pet.

  • Easy Installation: Our DIY kits make installation straightforward, with clear instructions provided.

  • Customizable: Can be tailored to fit any yard size or shape, ensuring complete coverage.

Pet Playgrounds works fantastic! Totally deterred my beast dog and her digging habits. - Richard - anti dig dog fence infographic simple-quote-gray

Why Choose Pet Playgrounds?

Choosing Pet Playgrounds ensures you are selecting a fence that is not only effective at preventing digging but also provides a safe and visually appealing solution for your yard. Unlike other harsh methods like electric fences or sharp barriers, our fences offer a gentle yet effective solution to keep your dog within the boundaries of your home.

By choosing the right anti dig dog fence from Pet Playgrounds, you can effectively prevent your dog from digging and ensure their safety.

How to Install an Anti-Dig Fence

Installing an anti dig dog fence can be straightforward if you follow the right steps. Let’s break down the process, including the tools you’ll need and a step-by-step guide.

Tools Needed

Before you start, gather these tools:

  • Drill and driver bit
  • Shovel
  • Hammer or mallet
  • Wire cutters
  • Zip ties or heavy-duty staples
  • PVC pipe (optional for added protection)
  • Mini sledgehammer (for driving stakes into the ground)

Installation Tips

  1. Plan Your Layout: Measure the perimeter of your fence and determine how much material you’ll need. This helps avoid unnecessary trips to the store.

  2. Mark Utilities: Before digging, mark any underground utilities to avoid damaging them.

  3. Choose the Right Depth: Depending on the type of fence, you’ll need to dig to different depths. For most Dig Defence panels, 8-15 inches deep is typical.

  4. Test Before Full Installation: Lay out a small section and test it with your dog. This ensures it’s effective before committing to the entire yard.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Dig Defence Installation

  1. Prepare the Area: Clear any debris and dig a narrow trench along the fence line.
  2. Install Panels: Place the Dig Defence panels into the trench. Use a hammer or mallet to drive the panels into the ground until the top is flush with the surface.
  3. Secure Panels: Ensure the panels are aligned and secure. Fill the trench back with soil to hold the panels in place.

2. Dig Proofer System Installation

  1. Lay Out Mesh: Roll out the vinyl-coated wire mesh along the fence line.
  2. Dig Trench: Dig a shallow trench, about 1-2 inches deep.
  3. Secure Mesh: Place the mesh into the trench and secure it to the fence with zip ties or heavy-duty staples. Use galvanized stakes to anchor the mesh into the ground.
  4. Cover Trench: Fill the trench with soil to secure the mesh.

3. Chicken Wire Barrier Installation

  1. Prepare Wire: Cut the chicken wire to the desired length.
  2. Dig Shallow Trench: Dig a shallow trench along the fence line.
  3. Install Wire: Place the chicken wire into the trench and secure it to the fence with staples or zip ties.
  4. Cover Wire: Fill the trench with soil to hold the wire in place.

4. Lava Rock Barrier Installation

  1. Prepare Rocks: Purchase enough lava rocks to cover the fence line.
  2. Spread Rocks: Lay a thick layer of lava rocks along the base of the fence.
  3. Secure Rocks: Ensure the rocks are evenly spread and cover any potential digging spots.

5. Pressure Treated Lumber Installation

  1. Measure and Cut: Measure the length needed and cut the pressure-treated lumber to size.
  2. Dig Shallow Trench: Dig a shallow trench along the fence line.
  3. Place Lumber: Position the lumber in the trench along the base of the fence.
  4. Secure Lumber: Backfill the trench with soil to secure the lumber in place.

By following these steps, you can effectively install an anti dig dog fence and keep your furry friend safe. In the next section, we’ll discuss additional tips to prevent dog digging and ensure your yard remains secure.

Additional Tips to Prevent Dog Digging

Even with an anti dig dog fence installed, some dogs might still try to dig. Here are additional tips to help prevent your dog from digging and keep your yard looking great.

Designated Digging Area

Creating a designated digging area for your dog can redirect their natural digging instincts:

  1. Choose a Spot: Pick a spot in your yard where it’s okay for your dog to dig.
  2. Prepare the Area: Dig up the grass and loosen the soil. You can use a sandbox or fill the area with playground sand.
  3. Encourage Digging: Bury toys or treats in the designated area to encourage your dog to dig there. Praise your dog when they use the area.

Toys and Activities

Keep your dog entertained to reduce boredom, which is a common reason for digging:

  • Interactive Toys: Use toys like puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing toys to keep your dog busy.
  • Fetch and Tug: Play fetch or tug-of-war to burn off energy.
  • Training Exercises: Teach new tricks or practice obedience training to engage your dog’s mind.

Training Techniques

Training your dog not to dig can be effective with consistency and patience:

  • Supervise Outside Time: Always supervise your dog while they are outside. If you see them starting to dig, distract them with a toy or call them away.
  • Use Commands: Teach a command like “leave it” or “no dig” and use it consistently when you catch your dog digging.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward your dog with treats and praise when they stop digging or use the designated digging area.

By combining these tips with a well-installed anti dig dog fence, you can keep your yard secure and prevent your dog from digging. Next, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about anti dig dog fences.

Frequently Asked Questions about Anti-Dig Dog Fences

What is the best material for an anti-dig dog fence?

The best material for an anti-dig dog fence is sturdy and durable. Pet Playgrounds uses a unique blend of materials that include a heavy-duty mesh and a robust ground system to prevent digging. This combination ensures a long-lasting solution that is safe for your pets. Unlike other options, our materials are designed to blend seamlessly with your yard, maintaining its aesthetic appeal.

How deep should an anti-dig fence be installed?

The depth of an anti-dig dog fence is crucial for its effectiveness. For smaller dogs, a depth of 8 inches is usually sufficient. However, for larger dogs or more determined diggers, a depth of 10 to 15 inches is recommended. Pet Playgrounds offers customizable solutions that can be adjusted to the specific needs of your dog, ensuring maximum protection against digging.

Can anti-dig fences also keep predators out?

Yes, anti-dig dog fences can also help keep predators out. The same features that prevent your dog from digging out can keep animals like coyotes, groundhogs, and even raccoons from digging into your yard. The Pet Playgrounds system is effective against digging predators, providing an extra layer of security for your pets.

By choosing a high-quality anti-dig dog fence from Pet Playgrounds, you not only keep your dog safe but also protect your yard from unwanted intruders. Our non-electric dog fences are proven to be significantly more effective and humane than other alternatives, making them the best choice for your pet’s safety and your peace of mind.


At Pet Playgrounds, we understand the challenges of keeping your dog safe and secure in your yard. Our comprehensive solutions are designed to give you peace of mind, knowing that your furry friend is protected from escaping and that predators are kept at bay.

Our non-electric dog fences are a superior choice compared to other alternatives. They are not only safe and humane but also affordable and visually unobtrusive. Unlike electric fences, our solutions do not pose any risk of harm to your dog, making them a more humane option. Additionally, our fences are easy to install and customizable to fit any yard layout.

Why Choose Pet Playgrounds?

  1. Safety and Humane Design: Our fences are designed to be safe for your pets, eliminating the risks associated with electric fences.
  2. Durability: Made from high-quality materials like vinyl-coated wire mesh and galvanized stakes, our fences are built to last.
  3. Ease of Installation: Our DIY kits make it simple for you to install the fence yourself, saving you time and money.
  4. Versatility: Whether you have a rocky yard, a sloped yard, or other challenging terrain, our fences can be customized to meet your needs.
  5. Aesthetic Appeal: Our fences do not obstruct your view, allowing you to maintain the beauty of your yard.

By choosing Pet Playgrounds, you’re investing in a solution that is proven to be significantly more effective than other alternatives. Our anti-dig dog fences are designed to keep your dog in and predators out, providing a safe and enjoyable outdoor space for your pet.

For more information on our dog fence kits and to find the perfect solution for your yard, visit our buy dog fence kit page.

Create a safe haven for your dog with Pet Playgrounds and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your pet is secure.